1. Eye Opening (E)
a. Spontaneous 4
b. To Speech 3
c. To Pain 2
d. Nil 1
2. Best Motor Response (M)
a. Spontaneous 6
b. Localises 5
c. Withdraws 4
d. Abnormal flexion 3
e. Extensor Response 2
f. Nil 1
3. Best Verbal Response (V)
a. Oriented 5
b. Confused 4
c. Inappropriate words 3
d. Incomprehensible sounds 2
e. Nil 1
a. Spontaneous 4
b. To Speech 3
c. To Pain 2
d. Nil 1
2. Best Motor Response (M)
a. Spontaneous 6
b. Localises 5
c. Withdraws 4
d. Abnormal flexion 3
e. Extensor Response 2
f. Nil 1
3. Best Verbal Response (V)
a. Oriented 5
b. Confused 4
c. Inappropriate words 3
d. Incomprehensible sounds 2
e. Nil 1
Brain injury is classified as:
- Severe, with GCS ≤ 8
- Moderate, GCS 9 - 12
- Minor, GCS ≥ 13.